Wednesday, January 30, 2008

30 January 2008

I've been having this repeated flashback recently. I'm in the car, driving, on the roads between Hirosaki and Aji. It's sunny, must be spring I think, everything is green and blue and yellow, and the mountain is still snowy on top but bright and clear in the sunshine. I've got the windows down, so it must be warm. I'm driving home in mid-afternoon, which is odd as usually I would be driving away from home in the afternoon. Maybe I am coming back from Russian on a Saturday, or back from staying over somewhere on a Sunday afternoon. I feel like I have all the time in the world and the space I need, and full of hope, and everything is about to start going just the way it should. I feel content.

I've concluded this is a good flashback to be having! I suppose it's either a mirror of what I'm feeling now, or it's not how I'm feeling now but I'm striving towards feeling that way again. Maybe it has something to do with how mild January has been this year and how I'm looking forward to an early spring - I saw crocus leaves yesterday for the first time.


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