Going to the zoo!! (zoo, zoo)
What do Mooses do at Easter? They go to the zoo! London Zoo, to be precise. Ethical issues aside, I had been dying to go to the zoo for months, but this weekend as a special treat for Easter, the particularly patient Steph agreed to come too! We had a lovely afternoon looking at all the amials; I was particularly excited to see a moosey-looking sign on the guidemap and thought this might be my long-awaited first realer moose encounter, but it turned out to be a very cute baby reindeer - just as well as I was totally unprepared for the excitement of the real thing.
Zoo was followed by coffee (twice) and all in all it's been a great weekend with two very different nights out in London and my first ever visit to a comedy club. All wrapped up with the knowledge of not having to go to work tomorrow either!!

Man or Moose? Neither, but cute!
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