Saturday, December 04, 2004

Just when you thought everything was going to plan...

Ok folks so the reason I've been offline this time is because... I got tonsilitis and wound up in hospital for a week and a half!! Not the least daunting experience I've had since coming to Japan at any rate. Was absolutely horrified when I went to see the doctor for what I thought was just a cold or mabye 'flu and after one look at my throat he admitted me - shock horror, what am I going to do, all alone in hospital, with no English, no PC and no non-Japanese food?!! Arggh. At least, I thought, it'll only be for a couple of days while I recover, I'll be back home in no time.

Didn't quite work out like that though, unfortunately. My throat was so swollen I couldn't eat or hardly talk for four days, was running fevers over 40 degrees and got caught in a nasty cycle of hot-water-bottles and ice-packs, shivers and sweats, and on a drip the whole time. Had this weird fear of IVs before that, having never been sick enough to be admitted before, either here or back home; just the concept of having something outside permanently plugged into your blood stream was, I thought, a bit weird. Still didn't have much chance to argue and it seems to have made me better.

Japanese hospital was pretty nice though. My experience of the NHS (free healthcare back home) is severely limited but I have no complaints about the treatment I received here, the surroundings, or the atmosphere. Hospital food seems to be a universal problem, and it was all Japanese-style; not just that but healthy Japanese-style with all the good yummy bits (tempura, yakiniku etc) taken out - spinach for breakfast anyone??! And in my case it was healthy-Japanese-food mashed into easily-swallowable portions, mail course being the inevitable Kayu (お粥 - literally "weak rice") which is like a kind of rice-gruel. Not so bad because if you mix it with condensed milk and jam it turns into something resembling rice-pudding, but this brought forth virtual screams of horror from any Japanese in the vicinity, since mixing sweet stuff with rice is tantamount to sacrilege here. I had teachers who came in just to watch me do my "rice with jam" thing, horror, shock, disbelief...

About five days in I got moved to a little room on my own which allowed me to enjoy my delerium, and my rowdy visitors (thanks guys!!) in peace. Was absolutely blown away by the number of people who came to visit and brought stuff to make me feel better, and I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who took care of me, as well as all the people at home who have sent cards and flowers. お世話になりました!

Unfortunatley as a result of being asleep the entire time, and having a concentration span of about 15 minutes, the idea of the 8-hour drive to Sapporo to take 4 1/2 hours of Japanese Proficiency Test has had to be abandoned for fear that the minimal risk of passing wasn't worth the risk of putting myself back in hospital...!! Good luck to everyone going, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you guys tomorrow.

So that's all the news really... have no idea about much else that's been going on the past couple of weeks, will be going back to school on Monday and looking to slowly re-engage with the outside world, which at the moment seems like a whole new adventure. Idea of staying in bed all winter is most tempting...


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